I had attended a Team Building Training at Port Dickson last sat. The speaker had bring out an issue where he used the Car driver, passenger, baggage and parasite as an example.
He started with a car toward genting, the driver of the car will the the 1 type of worker in 1 company where this type of worker will try to drive the company toward the final point and help company in growth. So, company will need this type of worker.
The 2nd type of worker is the passenger, where this type of worker will follow what the order given but they never help in the extra growth of company.
The 3th type of worker is the baggage, where this type of worker do not contribute any in the company but as a load for the company where company need to pay them a salary but they are doing nothing.
The last type is the parasite where may be will spoil car tyre, engine etc. This type of worker is the one which will talk the 是是非非in the office, where they will talk about the benefit of the company not good la, the pay low, but they still in the company.
I agreed with the example given by the speaker and i do have subordinate in the group of parasite and the passenger/baggage. I'm really headache with them. May be you guys can give me some idea on this :P